Carolyn Bibb was my best friend. She was the most talented person I have ever met. She could paint, sew, embroider, quilt, just about everything I love. But I can't do most of those. And spell! She could spell ANYTHING!
She and I had a lot in common and we spent a lot of time together. We met at work. We went everywhere together.
But one Christmas it all almost came to an end. We had an incident that made me so mad I didn't talk to her for a month.
The whole nasty event came during one of the ornament exchanges with my EGA that I talked about earlier.
Here is how it went down: I invited Caroline to my annual EGA Christmas party. Paid for her meal. Stitched an ornament for her to participate in the exchange. Sat next to her during the exchange. I drew number 21 out of 22 numbers. She drew number 22. All through the exchange I drooled over a cross stitched paper ornament that was a picture of a quilt shop. I whispered to Caroline, "when it is my turn, I am going to take that ornament". Then finally my turn happened. Snatch! I took the said ornament. I was pleased as punch. Then came Carolyn's turn. She turned to me and said "I want that ornament". I thought I was hearing things. Then I saw her reach out and take my ornament. My jaw dropped. Surely, no, surely she wasn't taking my ornament. Not my best friend. Not the woman for if it weren't for me taking her to the party and stitching an ornament wouldn't be taking MY ORNAMENT! But she did. And she kept it.
Luckily we didn't have to drive home together for I might have dropped her off in the lake. And when we returned to work, I didn't talk to her. She called me to ask what was wrong and I let her have it. One month passed before we spoke. It took months to get back to where we were.
All over a Christmas ornament.
Carolyn died about 8 years ago. Wish I had that month back. Wish I hadn't been so selfish and stupid and wish I hadn't fought with her and said those nasty words. You can't take it back and you can't get time back. She forgave me and I forgave her, but we still missed that time.
We made a pack after that. She went to many, many more EGA events with me. She made her own ornaments from then on. One of them I have. It is a crocheted snowflake. I treasure that snowflake. Love to look at on my tree. But I still miss my friend.
My artwork is in Artistonish magazine!
1 week ago
A very good lesson learned there. I'm so sorry you lost your friend but I know the memories of the good times will last longer than the one of the one unfortunate one.
What a touching story. However, we are all human. Like you, I would've been upset too... simply because I wouldn't do things like that to a friend. At least you made up, and had many more good memories.
Friendships are like marriage. They require time and effort. Sometimes they're up and sometimes down. For all the time you were friends, you will always have that, regardless of a small bad patch. We all learn lessons the hard way, sometimes, don't we?
Even if it's all sad, it is a good story. It shows how people often get caught in little things and loosing the big picture. Glad you 2 made it up. And so sorry to hear that you lost your friend.
That was one incident out of many years of friendship. It is better to remember and be thankful for all the happy times you both shared.
I'm so sorry about your lose, but even though things went bad for a while you turned it around and made it right, that takes a lot of courage and straight kudo's to you
it is true we aren't promised tomorrow - so we should definately decide which issues are important and which should be left alone.. so that we dont wish for that time back when they are gone. Thank you for the story and a good reminder :-)
Wonderful story, I'm glad you have a little piece of Carolyn with you.
It's true, we are only human and the main thing made up. A lot of people never get or take that chance:)
No guilt,,,only a lesson learned:)
Thanks for sharing this story:)
How hard that must have been! At least you didn't allow it to continue-though you lost that month at the time-you didn't lose the friendship-that was the important thing. I am sorry she is no longer with you.
I would have been mad as well but at least it was only a month and you both forgave each other. Sorry for your loss.
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