Lately all of my stitching or at least the biggest portion of it has been to support my Stitching for a Cure project (if you don't know what this is, please check out my other blog,
It seems to have taken over my life to a certain extent. I am passionate about this project, but I do spend a great deal of time worrying that I either won't have enough ornaments to make the tree "sellable" or we won't be able to sell enough tickets for the tree to get what I want to get for the American Cancer Society.
The latter of the two I haven't spent quite so much time obsessing over as I have the first one.
We have a little over 29 weeks (nearly 30 weeks) before this project has to be done. My goal is 200 ornaments. Right now we have 30. If I stitch an ornament a week, that will give us 60. But that is 140 ornaments short of the goal.
I realize that November is still a long way away (29 week, 6 days, 1 hour and 45 minutes) and I also realize I have many people who have promised ornaments and who are working on the ornaments.
But it is truly keeping me up at night. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Is this just a pipe dream of mine? Am I asking too much of my friends, many of whom I have never met in person or even spoken to on the phone?
Am I driving my friends here and everywhere crazy with this obsession? Everyone at work knows about the project and sees every ornament I make. I am using every PR resource I have to help sell this tree.
I will keep on stitching and if we have to do a smaller tree and bring in less money than I hoped for, I will have to live with that.
But I really hope and pray we can pull this off.
I started this project because I wanted to make a difference. God gave me a talent, the talent of stitching. I would like to use that talent to help people. It is a one year commitment. I started in November 2008 and by the end of November 2009, it will be over.
Everyday, I hear about or see or meet someone with cancer. And I get so frustrated. I feel, even though I work in a field where we help cancer patients everyday, so helpless to be able to make a REAL difference. Last year at Relay For Life, I made myself a promise. The promise was that in 2009 this would be my year that I would stand up and try to help.
I guess I need to just stay focused on what I am doing and let everything fall into place. I do know that God's hand is upon this project. I need to let him guide me through it.
Thanks for listening. Thanks for being my friend.